Q1 / What is CORA?

CORA stands for Committee on ​ Organization Recognition and Affairs.

The purpose of this committee is to 1. recognize new orgs and 2. regulate and ​support all recognized orgs on campus. See About Us for more info!


Q2 / Who can join CORA? How​ do I join?

All Wellesley Students active at Wellesley College are welcomed to join CORA ​and our meetings! You could also join us as Senators by being appointed to ​serve on CORA by the College Government.

Q3 / When does CORA meet?

The official regular meeting times has not been determined yet. Please look out ​for an update in the coming weeks in September!

Q4 / How do I start a new organization?

Check out the New Org Recognition tab for more instructions and informations ​on the application process!

Q5 / How do I change the official organization name?

This change would require a constitutional amendment and must be approved ​by CORA. Once you send the Orgs Chair the updated constitution reflecting ​this change, CORA will review it for approval.

Q6 / I want to add an official new Eboard Position for my Organization.

This change would require a constitutional amendment and must be approved ​by CORA. Once you send the Orgs Chair the updated constitution reflecting ​this change, CORA will review it for approval.